Our Services

MedChem Building Blocks

We provide MedChem building blocks or advanced stage chemical intermediates used in drug discovery. We are developing our catalog and currently have a handful stock of compounds at our site.

Developing a new drug, from idea to launch is a complex process and it takes lot of efforts (along with time and money). One has to find a hit and then convert into lead molecule and so on… In the process, thousands of molecules are made to check the desired activity. To get things faster, it is essential to get as much as possible advanced intermediate. So that one can synthesize designed/target molecules quickly and then check their biological activity.

Provide MedChem building blocks or advanced stage chemical intermediate used in drug discovery. We are developing our catalog and currently have a handful stock of compounds at our site, which we can ship on the same day.

Custom Synthesis

We provide custom synthesis as per the requirements. Please share details of required compound (e.g., structure, quantity and purity). We will back to you in next 24-48 h with our offer.

Chemistry is like an ocean; everything is not commercially available and one can’t do everything on its own. Sometimes one has to look for tailor-made compounds as per the requirements. Here we play roles and we synthesize required compounds on your behalf as per the needed quantity and purity, while maintaining the confidentiality. You can provide your specific route or process of synthesis or else we can design ourself.

Please share details of required compound (e.g., structure, quantity and purity). We will back to you in next 24-48 h with our offer.

Flow Chemistry

We are setting-up our hands on Continuous Flow Chemistry. We are applying it in our ongoing projects and also planned to provide Continuous Flow Chemistry Services to the intended users.

As an organic chemist, we are doing reactions in RB flasks from decades. In most cases, it works well, but challenges arise (1) when we do scale-up (from gm to Kg scale). Lot of process R&D to be done to get the good output. (2) If there are selectivity/sensitivity issues, yield drops a lot due to side product formation and (3) we could not stop reaction until all starting material consumed, (4) it may take hours to days. Continuous Flow Chemistry is the solution for all above problems. Generally, reaction times are in minutes and Scaleup is quite easy. Reactions can be quenched inline or outside to avoid over reactions.

Continuous Flow Chemistry is a technology addition in Organic Synthesis and is a growing field. Almost every bigger organization in the world is looking to convert their batch reactions into continuous flow (considering space, time and money).
We consider, flow chemistry is the future.

We are setting-up our hands on Continuous Flow Chemistry. We are applying it in our ongoing projects and also planned to provide Continuous Flow Chemistry Services to the intended users.

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